Pay-per-use charges may apply to you if you (for example) exceed the usage limits applicable to your rate plan or add-on (if you have one) or if you choose to use a service occasionally on an as-needed basis outside of a rate plan or add-on.

Unless otherwise stated in your rate plan or add-on, airtime is rounded up to the nearest minute, data usage is rounded up to the nearest kilobyte and incoming and outgoing text messages are counted (with some exceptions).

Remember that pay-per-use charges will change over time, so check back prior to using a pay-per-use service to ensure you are looking at the most current rates.

  Pay-per-use Current rate1
(unless otherwise stated in your rate plan or add-on)
Minutes (incoming and outgoing calls) Anytime local minutes $0.65 per minute
Nationwide long distance minutes (Canada to Canada) $0.65 per minute
Canada to U.S. long distance minutes $0.65 per minute
U.S. roaming minutes $1.45 per minute
International roaming minutes Varies by country
Long Distance rates Varies by country
Data Data within Canada
0-100 MB$10
101-200 MB$20
201-300 MB$30
301-400 MB$40
401-500 MB$50
501-600 MB$60
601-700 MB$70
701-800 MB$80
801+ MB$0.15/MB
Data within the U.S. $6.00 per megabyte
International roaming data Varies by country
Messaging (sent and received messages)2 Standard text messages (Canada to Canada) $0.30 per text
Standard text messages from Canada to the U.S. $0.40 per sent text message
$0.30 per received text message
Standard text messages within the U.S. $0.75 per sent text message

$0.20 per received text message (included with a domestic text messaging plan or U.S. roaming text messaging offer)
Standard text messages from Canada to other countries $0.40 per sent or received text message
Standard text messages while abroad $0.75 per sent text message

$0.20 per received text message (included with a domestic text messaging plan or international roaming text messaging offer)

See coverage availability by country
Picture or video messages (Canada to Canada) $0.50 per multimedia message
Picture or video messages (Canada to U.S.) $0.50 per multimedia message
Picture or video messages within the U.S. $0.50 per sent or received message + data roaming
Picture or video messages while abroad $0.50 per sent or received message + data roaming

See coverage availability by country

(1) Subject to change over time. Some exceptions apply. (For example, Mobile TV is paid for by the hour and not measured in kilobytes and some long text messages may be broken up into smaller segments, in which case you will be charged per segment.) Applicable taxes extra.

(2) Standard text messages exclude premium text messages, third party alerts or content, messages interacting with promotions or contests, dial-up messages and messages sent/received with an instant messaging application. Once subscribed to a premium service, you will be billed at a premium rate outside of your text messaging bundle, either as a one-time fee or a recurring charge depending on the program. See Picture/Video Messages - Data usage charges may apply with select CDMA smartphones to send and receive picture and video messages. Certain international destinations not available. See for details.


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